Wiktopher follows the story of Lupen and Eka as they sandfin across the Soronan Desert and learn about the varied lives of its inhabitants. The book features illustrations of creatures, plants, maps and languages of the different cultures of its world. Themes include cultural identity, food preservation, community, low-tech and more.
It was written while circumnavigating the Pacific Ocean by sail, and over many summers in the Salish Sea. It was written by Rek Bell, and edited by Devine Lu Linvega. The writing should be appropriate for children of 10 and up.
You can read the first two chapters of the finished story here[4.4 MiB] as a PDF. If you liked what you've read, we hope you'll consider reading the rest.
Wiktopher is a 237-page-long paperback book, written in English. It is in black and white, and measures 5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm.
The book has a matte cover, and is sold for:
$14.76 USD, €13.60 EUR, $22.33 AUD, £11.33 GBP, and $22.15 CAD.
Wiktopher is formatted for most e-readers (EPUB, mobi and PDF).
The e-book is for sale on itch.io for 5$.
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